Search Engine Marketing (PPC)

We put searching engine advertising (pay per click) to work for you.

Want to get on page 1 of Google, Yahoo, or Bing search results? You can today if you place paid advertisements with them. However, this can drain your marketing dollars faster than you can say, “oops.”

We help you research and choose the right pay-per-click advertising strategy to make search engine marketing work for you in a track-able, targeted way.

Search engine advertising is a specific type of online advertising that displays your ad to people looking for what you have. It is based on a bidding framework along with daily and per campaign budgets.

Your ads can start showing immediately and you can be on page 1 of the search results on the Web and in mobile browsers if you pay enough or create the best ad. Your ads can also show across a wide variety of search networks that include millions of websites across the Internet.

Search engines are the number one way people find businesses in their area. And, mobile search is on the rise as consumers look for local products and services while on the go. We help you reach those searchers and turn them into customers.

Google Partner BadgeWe are Google Partners, which means we have met their monthly spending criteria and passed the certification courses that prove we know our stuff.