"More people have read this shirt than your blog." This is one of the most common questions we get asked. It's a hot topic and it applies to everyone from new businesses to well-established ones. Starting a blog is a pretty easy thing. Figuring out how to use it to your advantage is a bit tougher. Blogging is great for your website search engine optimization and creating a customer touch point. If you do it right. 65% of daily internet users read a blog. About 46% of daily internet users … [Read more...]
Social Media Marketing
Should We Be Blogging
Online Marketing Minute: How Can Social Media Help My Business?
Business people, did you know that about half of direct mail is never opened? And, that over 200 million of us have joined the no-call list. We are also great at deleting spam with blinding efficiency. How can businesses reach their customers then? One way we can reach our customers is through social media marketing. We are inherently social creatures. We work, live, talk, and play together. Social media is a blending of technology and talking to each other...anywhere, anytime, with anyone. … [Read more...]
Social Media: Keep It Simple
Clients often ask me how they can be successful in social media. With social media advice blaring from every corner of the marketing and product world, there are an unbelievable number of opinions on the right answer to this question. There are also unbelievable amounts of complexity, nuance, and unadulterated bull. What's a person to do? Instead of all that, let me give it to you plainly. Your priorities for using social media successfully are: Audience Content Brand Simple, right? You … [Read more...]
Get More Twitter Action
14 tips to more tweets and retweets If you're reading this you know a couple of things: It's easy to start a Twitter page It's much harder to get people to follow you and spread the word Here are a few ways to build your following (audience) on Twitter and to reach new people. I've broken it into the basic requirements, the more compelling and difficult, and promotions. Bare minimum tweeting tips Use # hashtags - In the world of Twitter, hashtags (the # symbol) are used to indicate a … [Read more...]
Smaller Companies Are Beating Larger in Social Media
Small companies and businesses can sometimes feel overwhelmed at the idea of competing against big companies and their huge war chests of marketing monies. They wish there was a way to even the playing field a bit. Enter social media. Social media gives companies a way to reach customers cost-effectively. Instead of designing a mailer and paying postage to 10,000 customers at a cost of about $6,000, or printing a newspaper insert at a typical cost of $1000's, a business can open a free … [Read more...]
Social Media and Older Adults Study Released
Social media use by older adults has nearly doubled in the last year. Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project just released a brief report on Older Adults and Social Media. One of the key findings was the huge uptick in the number of those 50 years or more using the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. "While social media use has grown dramatically across all age groups, older users have been especially enthusiastic over the past year about embracing new networking … [Read more...]
Social Media’s Brand Intimacy Problem
Is "brand intimacy" really the standard goal we should be striving for with social media in business? Image via Wikipedia I read DMNews' article on Billabong launching its "I surf because" social media campaign where Stirling Howland, the digital marketing manager for Billabong International was quoted as saying, "The challenge for any brand is creating intimacy with the consumer. It's so easy to just be a ‘big brand' and assume people all want to hear the same thing.” That made me wonder … [Read more...]
Great Video on Current Social Media Trends
Here's an engaging video I found with a bunch of stats—a.k.a reasons—why you should care about social media for your business . The video itself is called Social Media Revolution 2 and is a promo, more or less, for the book "socialnomics." You will be astounded by some of these facts. They're amazing even if you don't use social media. In the end, the points are: Social media is an incredible tool most people are using It has a chance to make or break your business You should start using … [Read more...]