Copy Writing

Don’t know what to say or how to say it? Or, maybe you just don’t have enough time in the day to get it done.

At Malama Online Marketing we specialize in two kinds of copy writing:


We write new content and revise content to clearly communicate your message, moving people to remember you and take action.

Search Engine Optimization

Good search engine rankings–and your customers–demand new, well-written, SEO-friendly content constantly.

We help you earn better rankings through optimizing your online content from your website to your directory listings and everything in between.

We help you give your site an edge in search engine rankings by:

  1. Writing solid, information-rich text that people want to read and link to…articles, posts, features, white-papers, and more that are valuable to your audience.
  2. Seeking out and using the same words people use to search for what you offer–we call this Keyword Research.

“SEO copy writing is about using the exact terms that people are searching on so that it’s completely obvious what your page or article is about.” – Yahoo!

It’s not about gaming the system, tricking search engines, or beating the engineers. We don’t stuff articles with keywords until it looks and sounds ridiculous. We don’t create junk content for search engines that your visitors will never see.

Instead, we write valuable content that makes your page better for both humans and search engines.