Web Development

Add A CSS Class to WordPress Insert/Edit Link Dropdown

WordPress Situation Note: This applies to WordPress 3.0.1 versions and prior. Newer versions of WordPress use a different insert link box and this solution no longer works. Want to have a way to format a link in the WordPress content editor box using only the "Visual" tab (ie not having to go to the "HTML" tab and manually type in a class for the link. Solution Add a CSS class to the insert/edit link dropdown menu The Reason Although we (developers and designers) tell our clients that … [Read more...]

WordPress Super Cache and Setting Cookies

WP Super Cache and PHP Cookies Don't Mix Website Development Challenge: Setting PHP Cookies While Using WP Super Cache Solution: Set the cookie using Javascript When I created the First Touch Referral Tracking plugin, it seemed like it should be pretty straight forward: check for a cookie with a referrer and set a cookie with the referrer if there's not one. Then, simply grab the cookie whenever it's needed and calculate a referral coupon code. So, I wrote the code using PHP's setcookie() … [Read more...]