Quick Fixes for Big Search Ranking Improvement: Title Tags

Search Engine Optimization and Your Webpage Titles One of the main ways the search engines find your site is by looking at how your title each page.  This is a lot like going to the library and looking at the titles on the shelves or the titles and the old card catalog or the titles in their electronic search system. If you look at the top left hand corner of your web browser (like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) you'll see the title of the web page. In this case, it's similar to the … [Read more...]

Quick Fixes for Big Search Ranking Improvement: Robots.txt

Your Search Engine Ranking and Robots.txt If ranking well in search engines is a priority for you, you need to know about robots.txt. It's something so small and so simple that it's easily overlooked by even experienced web developers and search engine optimization folks. A little history When search engines started reading public websites, they soon realized that some people didn't want their information shared all over the world. Instead, some websites have a need to keep some or all of their … [Read more...]

Is Your Online Marketing Plan Better Than A Cattle Guard

Simplicity of Design While driving in the country the other day we passed several cattle guards.  I was struck by how they work. Basically it's just a few piece of steel separated by a few inches each. Like any good piece of engineering, the cattle guard is simple yet effective. If I had been asked to design a way to keep cows out let cars through easily, I probably would've come up with something very complex involving gates, hinges, levers, pulleys, or some sort of electrical engine.  Just … [Read more...]

Protected: CVC Social Media Intro

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: … [Read more...]

Making Your Business a Wild Horse

I recently had the pleasure of visiting the little book cliffs wild horse area.  We planned the trip for a couple of weeks ahead of time and looked forward to it with great anticipation. We had a great time driving around exploring and discovering several of the horses. As we passed several easily viewable horses in pastures on our way home I wondered what made wild horses so different that I was willing to suffer car sickness, cold weather, and high winds to see them from a great distance when … [Read more...]

Google Launches New Indexing System

What Google's New System Means for Your Online Marketing Today Google told the world about their new method for organizing and displaying the world's information. In their announcement, Google said: "Today, we're announcing the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it's the largest collection of web content we've offered. Whether it's a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find … [Read more...]

Great Video on Current Social Media Trends

Here's an engaging video I found with a bunch of stats—a.k.a reasons—why you should care about social media for your business . The video itself is called Social Media Revolution 2 and is a promo, more or less, for the book "socialnomics." You will be astounded by some of these facts. They're amazing even if you don't use social media. In the end, the points are: Social media is an incredible tool most people are using It has a chance to make or break your business You should start using … [Read more...]

SEO’s Most Important Google Ranking Factors

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is entirely based around speculating what factors search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing use to determine which website ranks over another when someone searches. Below, I've given the 5 ranking factors SEO pro's believe to be the most important. The beauty is, no one really knows. Search engines keep their formulas secret because it means no one can take advantage of or manipulate the rankings (which I'm personally very much for). Ideally, your website … [Read more...]

WordPress Super Cache and Setting Cookies

WP Super Cache and PHP Cookies Don't Mix Website Development Challenge: Setting PHP Cookies While Using WP Super Cache Solution: Set the cookie using Javascript When I created the First Touch Referral Tracking plugin, it seemed like it should be pretty straight forward: check for a cookie with a referrer and set a cookie with the referrer if there's not one. Then, simply grab the cookie whenever it's needed and calculate a referral coupon code. So, I wrote the code using PHP's setcookie() … [Read more...]

You can buy a lot of fish for $700

While shopping in a fly fishing specialty shop today I came across a pair of GoreTex waders that ran about $700. I said, "Man, you can buy a lot of fish at the store for $700," which is true. You could buy about 300 pounds of Colorado trout for that. So, why would you spend $700 to catch a few fish? Because the ultimate goal of the purchase is not to have more fish in the freezer. Instead, you're buying this outfit because you want great fishing experiences. You want to be out in the woods, … [Read more...]